Auto Melting Point Apparatus is specially designed to find the melting point temperature of crystalline sample held within capilary tubes. Instrument uses the latest microcontroller technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility.
The system is equipped with microcontroller based digital display for displaying accurate results and soft touch membrane type keys for ease of operation.
The sample capillary to be analyzed is held in an heating block (i.e. aluminium block) inside the heating chamber. The block holding the sample capillary tube is heated and the temperature is displayed on the 4 digit seven segment red LED display.
The plateau temperature and the heating ramp rates are fully programmable using 'Plateau'/ 'Ramp' keys along with the 'Up', 'Down' keys. The plateau temperature allows the user to set a temperature to few degrees below the expected melting point temperature. Auto melting point apparatus will then heat to the programmed plateau temperature very rapidly. Once plateau temperature is reached the instrument will heat slowly from the plateau temperature until the melt occurs on programmed ramp rate.
The end point of the measurement cycle (i.e. final melting point temperature) is indicated with 'END' led along with the intermittent audible beep. 'Run' LED indicates that the instrument is in measurement cycle.
User can store upto 100 results (i.e. melting point temperatures) using the 'Store/Recall' key which are retained in the instruments memory even when it is switched off
If by chance the sample capillary is broken inside the heating chamber, then user can flush the broken capillary using the 'Normal'/'Clean' rotary switch provided at the right side of the instrument